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Disappointment By: Claudia Annida (Finalis ‎LCP ‎Batch ‎3)



Why did you have to come

When I’m most vulnerable

Be the sun in a cloudy sky

Just with “hi” that you say

I just wanna enjoy the gray color

But you introduced me to another

Got me out of the world at ease

Actually worries me but I enjoy these

How do I know that I went too far

Like a jam coming out of a jar

I’m afraid to take another journey

But I still believe in my way

You’ve become important part of my life

Unfortunately it’s only for me feel safe

Actually I am just a fun game in your eyes

Which will bore you over the times

When I have realized

It’s all too late to fixed

How much hope is cultivated

How much disappointed is felt

Ngawi, March 13, 2021

Author bio

Claudia Annida, a student at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology college. Love literacy since high school. Born in Ngawi in 2002 and domiciled in the city of Ngawi, East Java. Email address, can be contacted via WA 081311456918.

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