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Heart Break Oleh: Rahmita Zuyuka (Finalis LCP Batch 3)



I know, it hurts

But I still want to try

Trying to convince you, of the greatness of my love

Sometimes this feeling want to kill me

While waiting for you without the end of time

I always hoped

My long wait is paid off by happiness

But what happened?

They burned like ashes

The disappointment comes to me

Brings wounds, tears and sorrow

I pondered silently in the regret room

Closed my eyes and took a deep breath

And it still hurts

But I believe

Anything that might hurt me

Would just me stronger in the end

Wonogiri, 13 Maret 2021

Author Biodata:

Rahmita Zuyuka, a third grade student at SMP N 1 Wonogiri, her address at Godean, Sendang, Wonogiri. His call name is Uka, can be contacted via email She started to like writing since he was in third grade elementary school. He is also active on instagram with the account @r_zuyukaa.

10 komentar

  1. Bagus mbak puisinya, Saya suka
  2. Nice
  3. Mantap
  4. Keren keren
    Semoga berhasil 🤲
  5. Suka puisinya
    Smoga menang yaa
  6. Bagus keren
  7. Semangat adekkk 😁
    Semoga berhasill
  8. Semangat
  9. Semangattt
  10. Smoga menang dek, Aamiin
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