The day you told to my world that you’re done
How can I ever be the same?
Your voice, your smile,
You just took them all back within myself unnotified
Being out of sight, without uttering words
Your voice, your smile, you took them along
But not the memory
Your voice, your smile , you took them away
But not my happiness
I'm left shattered,
I'm not the same
I'm not the same,
I'm only becoming stronger
Semarang, 13 Maret 2021
Writer Biodata
Evy Aprilia Ramadaningtyas, better known as Evy, graduated from Padjadjaran University, really likes to pour the thought into writing. The writer currently lives in Jalan Cinde Barat III No. 16 Semarang and can be contacted via email or whatsapp 081393724701. The writer’s works can be seen by visiting instagram @evy_ramadaning .