Love became farce, dead
A princess once, now a slave
This being shrank on bed
Desiring sapphire skies to wave
I witness the light
More like thunder
I faint slight No foothold under
Oh, their eyes were wide-open
With wild curiosity
Ain’t want to know these eyes blurry even
Dig signs of misery this face burry
Idealism of home spit of reality
I gave my regret some heavy corforting pity
Now my soul trusts her
Dry cracked life Waiting for another to flatter
My spoon is a knife I’d bleed, then stitch
A river, I shall cry You can choose which
With whom my sane fly
East Lombok, 12th March 2021
Jamilatul Laeli
Jamilatul Laeli is a collage students in University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, majoring English Education. She love poems and treats poem as the language of heart. She can be contacted through email and telephone number 085258807849.