Mau Ikut Lomba Menulis Gratis? Daftar Sekarang!

WE SHOULDN’T BE OVER YET By: Rika Keniatun (Finalis LCP Batch 3)



Shut my eyes, silent and starving

When the moon has come and the owl starts sing

I’m hunger for your ocean eyes and your sleek laugh

Your smooth hand that gently grasps mine with love

Thought grief will not sit with me

I was wrong, now grief is part of me

It sucks, my heart its hurting either way

Remorsful for given my hearts up to the play

My wrist is bleeding again

I feel pain

All of my eyes are wet

We shouldn’t be over yet.

South Jakarta, 11 March 2021

Author Bio

Her name is Rika Keniatun. She was born in Jakarta, July 31st 1997. Currently she is studying at Pamulang University majoring English Literature. Her passion in literature started since she was in the Elementary School. She also likes to sing, play a guitar, painting and travelling. She usually share her poetry and cover video on her Instagram account @rikakenja.

7 تعليقات

  1. 👏😍
  2. 👍💕
  3. 👍good
  4. Amazing 😍👏
  5. Belom Berdamai dengan masa lalu hal yang menyakitkan kerennn banget puisinya
  6. KEREN🥺🥺🥺🤩🥺
  7. be happy not because everything is good! ini ngena bgt!! so deep 🥺🥺
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